Recipe to make summer sangria, a drink made with rosé wine, slices of seasonal fruit, and mint leaves.
10 minutosmin
0 minutosmin
0 minutosmin
10 minutosmin
Calories: 196kcal
1 750ml.bottle icy rosé wine
1 250ml.bottle of ice cold sparkiling water
1green applevery thinly sliced
1nectarine or peachsliced
mint leaves
Slice the apple and the peach or nectarine with a mandolin or a super sharp knife. It is essential that the slices just before use so that they do not rust.
In a glass, put a few slices of nectarine or peach, a few apple slices, and serve the rosé wine halfway through the glass.
Add a splash of sparkling water to each glass and finish with the mint leaves.