There is no wrong way to make homemade vegetable broth from scraps; it always comes out delicious and is a great way to use whole veggies. Also, ensuring that you get the maximum amount of flavor and utility out of the food you eat is a great way to ensure that your cash stretches as far as possible in the kitchen.
5 minutosmin
20 minutosmin
Simmering30 minutosmin
55 minutosmin
Calories: 15kcal
Vegetable scraps
Collect kitchen scraps. First, you’ll need to collect any vegetable scraps from your cooking. This can be almost anything, from seeds to stalks to cores to roots.The most common thing is skins, such as carrots or another root veg.
Roast your frozen scraps in the oven. Next, add all the scraps into a pan in the oven. I recommend going for roughly 400˚F for twenty minutes or so.Toss your scraps with olive oil or other vegetable oil and some salt (I use kosher salt) before roasting to impart a little extra flavor.Let them roast until golden but don’t forget to move the scraps around from time to time and rotate the baking sheet.
Boil and simmer. Now, add all the roasted scraps to a large stockpot. It doesn’t have to be a large specialist stockpot, but having something tall like a large Dutch oven or a pasta pot will do.Using roughly one cup of water per cup of scraps, bring the mixture to a boil before reducing it to a simmer.A simmer will allow the flavor to seep into the liquid without too much water immediately dissolving.Ensure the lid is cracked slightly, as this will prevent the pot from boiling.Let it simmer for 30 to 60 minutes to get the most flavor.
Once the solids are out, your stock is ready to go! I suggest keeping a portion in the fridge for the next time you need to use it and then storing the rest for future use. A great way to do this is to freeze the stock in pint-sized portions, used one by one.
You could use mason jars if you keep them in the fridge or freezer bags to freeze them. I don’t freeze liquids in jars because I have not had a good experience with them; they usually break.
Alternatively, you could can your stock, though this is trickier. You’d need to use a pressure cooker or canner, as the content of the can have no acid or preservatives to inhibit bacterial growth. Using a tutorial and a pressure cooker, you can create a stock that can last for an extremely long time in a shelf-stable form.